California EcoRestore is an initiative to help coordinate and advance at least 30,000 acres of critical habitat restoration in the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta over the next four years.
- April 8, 2019
EcoRestore: Restoring California’s Great Estuary Video Released - April 2, 2019
DWR Issues Notice Of Preparation And Announces Public Scoping Meeting For The Lookout Slough Tidal Habitat Restoration And Flood Improvement Project - February 1, 2019
DWR Gets Fish Friendly with Retooled Infrastructure in Yolo Bypass
The California EcoRestore program is focused on implementing a comprehensive suite of habitat restoration actions to support the long-term health of the Delta and its native fish and wildlife species. Specifically the program aims to achieve:
The California EcoRestore program is comprised of many projects at various stages of planning, permitting and construction. For tracking progress these phases are defined as:
- Planned: sites owned or partnered with the State with planning and analysis is underway
- In Permitting: sites that have completed necessary planning to initiate permitting with State and Federal regulatory agencies
- Under Construction: sites with necessary permits and under construction
- Completed: sites with construction completed and transitioning to monitoring and maintenance

The aggregate bar chart provides insight into the overall progress of California EcoRestore efforts. This includes projects fulfilling current Biological Opinion requirements for long term operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project, as well as projects fulfilling other mitigation and restoration goals. The California EcoRestore goals for total acreage represent the minimum targets for each restoration type and in some cases California EcoRestore will exceed these minimum targets.
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California Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth St., Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814
916-606-8940 (cell)