EcoRestore Adaptive Management Program


Adaptive management of conservation activities is a key component of the California EcoRestore initiative.

In the face of uncertainty, adaptive management is the preferred approach to implementing management actions. It emphasizes acquisition and use of new, science-based knowledge to support management of natural resources under changing conditions. There is widespread support for using adaptive management in the Delta and Suisun Marsh to achieve ecosystem restoration goals and increase restoration success. It is also required for compliance with multiple regulatory processes, such as consistency with the Delta Plan and the Suisun Marsh Plan.

The Delta Plan and the Delta Science Plan established principles for adaptive management, which are summarized in the Delta Stewardship Council’s Delta Plan adaptive management cycle (below)

Interagency Adaptive Management Integration Team

To develop a comprehensive, science-based adaptive management approach to support achievement of Delta conservation goals, the Delta Science Program initiated the Interagency Adaptive Management Integration Team in 2016. This team serves as a technical coordinating body to strengthen interagency collaboration, and provides resources, input, and guidance on adaptive management for current and future Delta conservation efforts. It is comprised of scientific and technical staff from federal, state, and local agencies, other interagency programs and workgroups, universities, and NGOs that plan, facilitate, implement, fund, or regulate habitat restoration projects in the Delta and Suisun Marsh.

Current participants include:

  • Delta Conservancy
  • Delta Counties (Contra Costa, Solano, Sacramento, and Yolo)
  • Delta Stewardship Council
  • CA Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • CA Department of Water Resources (DWR)
  • NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service
  • NOAA Fisheries Science Center
  • NGO Representatives
  • San Joaquin Council of Governments
  • State and Federal Water Contractors Agency
  • State Water Resource Control Board
  • University of California Davis
  • US Bureau of Reclamation
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • US Geological Survey

For more information, please contact Karen Kayfetz ( of the Delta Stewardship Council.