The files contain the data layer of current and planned California EcoRestore Projects
California EcoRestore project location data are available in KMZ format for use in Google Earth© or available as an ArcGIS Layer Package for use in ArcGIS from Esri® or other compatible GIS systems. Users unfamiliar with Esri’s® ArcGIS or other GIS platforms are encouraged to download and use the Google Earth© (KMZ) version; both the Google Earth© and ArcGIS Layer Package datasets contain identical information. California EcoRestore will make every effort to keep these datasets updated, but users are advised to pay particular attention to the month and year designation associated with the datasets. This Data may be updated at irregular intervals. All users should check for updates regularly and ensure the most current version of the Data is being used.
All locations contained within both datasets are approximate and subject to change. Where parcel/property boundaries are shown, actual project footprints may differ. Users are advised to read the metadata attached to these datasets for other pertinent information. These datasets are strictly for personal, educational, and non-commercial use.
Format: ArcGIS Map Package (*.mpk) from Esri® – DATA DOWNLOAD HERE
Disclaimer: This data is intended to share current and planned project locations and is subject to change. California Natural Resources Agency disclaims any responsibility or legal liability to users of this data, and does not authorize combining this with other data, or producing maps and applications with the California Natural Resources Agency or California EcoRestore logo or other text suggesting they are direct products of California EcoRestore.