Campus Connect


Welcome to Campus Connect, an initiative empowered by the community among CNRA employees. Campus Connect encourages all departments to come together for engaging, in-person events that are open to all CNRA employees and that take place on the CNRA Headquarters campus. Each event offers a unique opportunity to discuss our ambitious goals for safeguarding California's natural and cultural resources. Campus Connect promotes employee wellness, inclusiveness, and strives to bolster the common interests among CNRA employees.

Upcoming Campus Connect Events

Campus Connect Flyer

CNRA Spring Farmers Market, Tuesday, March 25, 2025 |11am -1pm Location: CNRA HQ Outdoor tables by the lobby café

Description: The Campus Connect Team is excited to host the 2025 Spring Farmers Market! FREE EVENT - EVERYONE WELCOME! Whether you're a seasoned gardener, hobby farmer, or just love fresh produce, come be part of this CNRA on-campus event. Share your harvest, meet your colleagues, and enjoy some fresh local produce. No contribution required to attend! Register today using the QR code or the Campus Connect website! Participants may bring: fruit, vegetables, herbs, baked goods, and homemade products.  Disclaimer: Participation in the farmers market is entirely voluntary and at your own discretion. CNRA and the event organizers will not assume any liability for potential health risks associated with the shared products. *Those in need of special accommodations email:  

Past Events

Secretary Speaker Series Flyer - A Special Conversation with Adina Merenlender

Savings Plus Benefits Workshop, Monday, February 24, 2025 |8am -5pm Location: CNRA HQ Main Auditorium

Description: The California Energy Commission Training Office & CalHR is excited to present the Savings Plus Benefits Workshop. Secure your tomorrow and master your retirement!

*Those in need of special accommodations email:

Secretary Speaker Series Flyer - A Special Conversation with Adina Merenlender2025 CNRA Reservation System Training Sessions, Tuesday, February 25, 2025 and Monday, March 3, 2025|2pm-3pm and 3:15pm-4:15pm Location: CNRA HQ Second Floor Room 2-201 (Media Room)

Description:Hello Departments, the Campus Connect Team is excited to present the 2025 CNRA Reservation System Training Sessions. You are invited to join us for this comprehensive training to learn about the reservation system and the building protocols of CNRA headquarters. The training will be divided into two parts. Please attend both a Part 1 and a Part 2 training session to experience the entirety of the reservation system. Part 1 will be provided on February 25th and Part 2 will be provided on March 3rd. There are two different times available each day for the same part that you can choose from: 2pm-3pm and 3:15pm-4:15pm. We look forward to seeing you there!


Rubin Race & Equity-Focused Public Engagement Model Training, Thursday-Friday, February 20-21, 2025 |9am -3pm Location: CNRA HQ Second Floor Conference Room 2-302A

Description: The CA Department of Conservation is excited to share how you can level-up your engagement methods with sister agencies, local government, communities, grantees, and other various stakeholder groups. This two-day training will include: (1) Project assessment and evaluation methods (2) Steps for strategic design and implementation (3) Lectures with featured subject matter experts (4) Experiential learning tools and activities. Scan QR code to register or use registration link: RSVP! Limited seating. For questions email:

*Those in need of special accommodations email:


CAL FIRE Wellness Unit Free Yoga Class - February 5 & 19 2025 |12:15pm -12:45pm Location: CNRA Building Gym Yoga Studio Room (Second Floor)

Description: Join CALFIRE staff in-person or virtually for free yoga classes with Pearl Martin from 12:15 - 12:45pm in the CNRA Building Gym Yoga Studio Room. Pearl Martin has a passion for sharing her love of movement as a tool for mental and physical wellbeing. Pearl is a certified Hot Pilates and Yoga instructor. She has been practicing yoga for over 10 years and specializes in teaching restorative and Yin style yoga. For questions, please reach out to the Wellness Unit email at or through their social media pages @calfirewellness.

GymGym Equipment Demonstration Day, Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |10am -2pm Location: CNRA Building Gym (Second Floor) 

DescriptionHave you ever wanted to use the gym but are unsure about proper use of the equipment? Or maybe just a little bit intimidated by the idea of going to the gym? Don’t worry, that’s normal! Please join us for the Gym Equipment Demonstration Day! CAL FIRE and State Parks staff will be available to demonstrate proper equipment use and answer any fitness related questions you may have. 

Secretary Speaker Series Flyer

CNRA Town Hall Monday, February 3, 2025 |12pm -1pm Location: Second Floor Conference Rooms 2-221 B and C

Description: Join us for a candid, in-person discussion with Secretary Wade Crowfoot about opportunities, challenges and our shared work ahead! Secretary Crowfoot will share his vision for the last two years of the Newsom Administration, and how it connects to your work. This interactive conversation will enable you to share your own ideas too. Seating is limited, please RSVP.

Secretary Speaker Series FlyerFebruary Heart Awareness Month, Friday, February 7, 2025 

Description: Please wear red on February 7th to show your heart beats for health! Scan the QR code and find resources to help you celebrate Heart Month throughout February:

Yoga Flyer

CAL FIRE Wellness Unit Free Yoga Class - December 11 & 24 2024

Description: Open to all CNRA employees (not just CAL FIRE!) Join CALFIRE staff in-person or virtually for free yoga classes with Pearl Martin from 12:15 - 12:45pm in the CNRA Building Gym Yoga Studio Room. Pearl Martin has a passion for sharing her love of movement as a tool for mental and physical wellbeing. Pearl is a certified Hot Pilates and Yoga instructor. She has been practicing yoga for over 10 years and specializes in teaching restorative and Yin style yoga. For questions, please reach out to the Wellness Unit email at or through their social media pages @calfirewellness

Our Promise

CNRA: Our Promise Campaign 2024 Nonprofit Fair Tuesday, December 10, 2024 |11am -2pm Location: 1st Floor Lobby & Auditorium

Description: Meet local nonprofits from the Sacramento region, learn about their work, and discover how you can make a difference by donating through the Our Promise Campaign.

Our Promise

CNRA/DWR: Holiday Sweet Treat Swap Wednesday, December 18, 2024 | 3:30PM – 4:30PM
Description: Join our sweet holiday event! Whip up or pick up your favorite cookies (2 dozen minimum) and swap treats with fellow cookie enthusiasts. Get ready to share stories, spread cheer, and discover new holiday favorites!

CEC Chair’s Speaker Seres: Dr. Luke Wood flyer

CEC Chair’s Speaker Seres: Dr. Luke Wood – November 7th, 2024

Description: CEC and CNRA are welcoming President Luke Wood from Sacramento State to speak with us about his vision for the University, the region and California, as well as his insights into diversity in leadership, climate action, and the advancement of science and technology. After a warm CEC welcome, we will hear remarks from President Wood, followed by a discussion facilitated by CEC leadership, with time reserved at the end for audience questions.


Campus Connect

Helping Nature Thrive in the Golden State - November 5

Subheading: A Leadership Conversation with CDFW Director Chuck Bonham

Description: California is a global biodiversity hotspot and one of the world’s largest, most dynamic economies. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is charged with protecting our renowned nature amidst our state’s constant growth and change. Chuck Bonham has led this effort for over a decade, driving a strategy to help nature and people thrive together. Join Secretary Crowfoot for a candid in-person discussion on what Director Bonham’s learned leading this work, how he’s navigating current challenges and opportunities, along with his vision for keeping our nature healthy as climate change accelerates.



CEC Chair’s Speaker Seres: Dr. Luke Wood flyer

DWR Blood Drive – November 5th, 2024

Description: This will take place on the Bloodmobile on O Street, between 7th & 8th. Appointments strongly encouraged.








CEC Chair’s Speaker Seres: Dr. Luke Wood flyer

Lunch Social with Bigfoot Indian Tacos – November 5th, 2024

Description: Celebrate Native American Heritage Month and join us for a lunch social with Bigfoot frybread – the first Native American mobile concession in the Sacramento area – who will serve up traditional Native American frybread and Indian tacos. Frybread and Indian tacos are a delicious reminder of the survival, resiliency, and creativity of Native American tribes and people in the face of adversity. Please join us to learn more!

Flu clinic flyer

CNRA Flu Shot Clinic – October 15th, 2024  

Description: In partnership with Kaiser Permanente and the California Natural Resources Agency, DWR Employee Health and Wellness Services is hosting an Agency-wide Flu- Shot Clinic. The clinic will be held in the 1st floor lobby of the Natural Resources Building. The CNRA Flu Shot Clinic is FREE of charge to both Kaiser members and non- members. To make an appointment for your FREE flu shot, sign into the scheduling link or QR code.


Science Day flyer

Science Day 2024 - October 17th, 2024 

Description: A partnership between CCST and the California Natural Resources Agency, Science Day brings together researchers and experts from across CCST’s partner network with State scientists and staff at the California Natural Resources Agency. A day of panels, brainstorming breakout sessions, and networking opportunities, Science Day is designed to foster collaboration and remove barriers to partnership between research institutions and the State.

A Special Conversation with Author Obi Kaufmann flyer

A Special Conversation with Author Obi Kaufmann – October 22nd, 2024 

Description: Join us for an in-depth conversation with Obi Kaufmann and Secretary Crowfoot diving deep into Obi’s new book, The State of Fire: Why California Burns. “There may be no greater representation of California’s ecological crisis than its fires. In recent years, they have become larger and deadlier than ever before, forcing us to reckon with how we have failed the land and the incredible cost of that negligence. Obi Kaufmann’s lushly illustrated new book, The State of Fire: Why California Burns (on sale September 17, 2024), explores how we got here and how we may get out.

Campus Connect

Keeping Our Energy Infrastructure Safe Amidst Wildfire Risk - September 23

Subheading: A Leadership Conversation with Director Caroline Thomas Jacobs

Location: CNRA Headquarters 20th Floor Café, 715 P Street, Sacramento

Description: California’s electricity infrastructure is essential to our communities and economy, and it is rapidly evolving toward 100% clean energy. This infrastructure has also generated destructive wildfires that have worsened wildfire risks. In response, the Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety was established by our Governor and Legislature and serves as a national model to help utilities keep their infrastructure safe. Join Secretary Crowfoot for a candid in-person conversation with the agency’s first-ever Director, Caroline Thomas Jacobs, to learn more about what’s happening to ensure that utilities take action to protect us from wildfire risk.

Wellness Flyer

California Natural Resources Agency Health & Wellness Fair - September 17 10am-1:00pm

Location: CNRA Headquarters 715 P Street, Sacramento

Description: To provide employees within CNRA education regarding their employee wellness initiatives, raise awareness about health issues and resources, show them we care about their well-being, and offer an opportunity to connect with wellness providers and local businesses.

Registration Link:


Campus Connect

Insight from the Frontlines of Wildfire Resilience - September 16

Subheading: A Leadership Conversation with CAL FIRE Chief Joe Tyler

Description: Every day, CAL FIRE protects us from catastrophic wildfires. It deploys thousands of brave firefighters and the world’s most sophisticated air fleet, equipment, and technology to respond to wildfires. It also leads efforts to build our resilience to wildfire by restoring landscape health and preparing communities well before fire strikes. Chief Joe Tyler is leading the charge for CAL FIRE, transforming this essential agency to achieve this growing mission. Join us for a candid in-person discussion with Chief Tyler to learn about his vision to confront existing challenges and prepare our state for the future.



Yoga Flyer

Preserving California's Unique Vernal Pool Landscapes and Species - September 16

Location: CNRA Headquarters Auditorium 1st floor 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Description:California State Parks Director Armando Quintero will be hosting a conversation with John Vollmar, a senior vegetation ecologist and aquatic wildlife biologist with more than 30 years of experience, to talk about the importance of vernal pools. John will guide us on a virtual tour of the Great Valley’s unique vernal pool landscapes and species. Recently, he and his team at Vollmar Natural Lands Consulting published a new publication to inspire and guide the ongoing conservation of these unique habitats. He’ll discuss the newly published guide’s conservation planning component and how federal and state agencies can use it to enhance conservation and mitigation efforts.  

ICYMI: click here to watch the recording!

Facilitation skill traning

Facilitation Skills Training -September 9

Description: Department of Conservation’s outreach and engagement experts Sarah Rubin and Jamie Fong are hosting an in-person only training on facilitation skills on September 9 at the CNRA headquarters building in Sacramento. This interactive training dives into key components for planning successful meetings for 5 – 60 participants. This training will cover active listening skills, tactics for getting conversations back on track in a variety of typical situations, tips and tricks for efficient and action-focused meetings, co-facilitating, using charting and other visuals for success, use of a design team, options for consensus-oriented decision making such as informal polling and the use of methods such as Sam Kaner’s gradients of agreement. This training includes significant time for role-playing and practicing the skills introduced. Time is also allocated to hear about the challenges session participants are having and how to problem-solve in real-time to overcome those challenges. Space is limited! If you would like to register, please email Jamie Fong at For all inquiries regarding the training content, contact Sarah Rubin at

Blood Drive

CNRA Blood Drive with Blood Source - September 5

Description: Hosted by CA Department of Water Resources from 9:30am – 12:30pm on the Bloodmobile on P Street between 5th & 6th Streets.

Secretary Speaker Series Flyer -Building Resilience and Empowering youth

Building Resilience and Empowering Youth - August 19 | Noon - 1pm

Subheading: A Leadership Conversation with JP Patton California Conservation Corps Director

Description: Join Secretary Crowfoot for an insightful talk with Director Patton, who leads the nation’s oldest and largest conservation corps. Over 3,000 corpsmembers each year protect California's natural resources and communities while gaining education and professional experience. Learn about JP’s ambitious vision and goals for the CCC, and how it impacts the lives of thousands of young Californians. Seating is limited; please register to attend:

Secretary Speaker Series Flyer -Building Resilience and Empowering youth

California Natural Resources Agency Farmers Market -Tuesday August 27 | 11:00am - 1pm

Description: Are you a farmer or dabble with gardening? IF YES, THEN THIS EVENT IS FOR YOU! Come and swap your surplus fresh produce with your colleagues. This event provides an opportunity for CNRA employees who are local farmers or have a passion for gardening to exchange their surplus fruits and vegetables. There will be no monetary transactions or exchange of payments at this event. It is a completely free event following a "barter and trade" notion. 

Participation in the farmer's market is entirely voluntary and at your own discretion. CNRA and the event organizers will not assume any liability for potential health risks associated with the shared products.

Guest and participants please register

Campus Connect event flyer

A Leadership Conversation with California State Parks Director Armando Quintero - July 22, 2024 | Noon - 1:00pm

Description: Join Secretary Wade Crowfoot and State Parks Director, Armando Quintero for an engaging in-person discussion on the latest advancements at State Parks as well as cutting-edge initiatives being taken to promote equitable access to outdoor experiences for all Californians and protect the state’s most valuable cultural and natural resources.

Seating is limited; please register to attend Campus Connect Events

Campus Connect event flyer

Yoga Class - July 18, 2024 | 12:15 - 12:45pm

DescriptionJoin CALFIRE staff in-person for the first ever FREE YOGA CLASS With Pearl Martin from the CAL FIRE Wellness Unit. For questions please reach out to the Wellness Unit through email at or our social media pages @calfirewellness. Scan the QR code to join virtually through a Teams Link. 


Campus Connect event flyer

Chair's Speaker Series - July 18, 2024 | Noon - 1:00pm

Description: This hybrid event is open to staff from all CNRA agencies. Staff are encouraged to attend in person. If the auditorium is filled staff are welcome to join via Zoom.

Password: NASA

Webinar ID: 829 1980 4264



Campus Connect event flyer

A Leadership Conversation with CEC Chair David Hochschild- Monday, May 20, 2024 | Noon - 1:00pm

Description: California is leading the world transitioning to a 100% clean energy future, guided by our California Energy Commission. David Hochschild leads this effort to establish groundbreaking policies and catalyze new technologies, even as we confront climate-driven threats to our energy grid. Join Secretary Crowfoot for a candid in-person conversation with Chair Hochschild about his vision and priorities to build an energy future for California that is safe, affordable, reliable and resilient.

Seating is limited; please register to attend


Campus Connect event flyer

Earth Week Conversation with Award-Winning Author Ben Goldfarb - Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 11:30am - 12:30pm

Description: Join Secretary Wade Crowfoot and Fish & Wildlife Director Chuck Bonham on April 24th from 11:30-12:30pm at CNRA Headquarters for a fun, informal and in-person discussion with environmental author Ben Goldfarb. Ben will share his stories on beavers, wildlife crossings, and covering environmental issues across the American West.

Seating is limited; please register to attend:


Campus Connect event flyer

Water Connects Us All: A Leadership Conversation with DWR Director Karla Nemeth – April 10, 2024 | Noon - 1pm

Water management is fundamental to our lives in California. Our rivers and water infrastructure support nearly 40 million people, the world’s 5th largest economy, and host precious biodiversity and world-class recreation. Director Karla Nemeth is guiding our way forward to a resilient water future, as we confront climate change and other challenges. Join Secretary Crowfoot for a candid in-person dialogue with Director Nemeth about her current priorities and vision for California’s water strategy.

Campus Connect event flyer

Marking Our Progress: A Conversation with Secretary Crowfoot – March 12, 2024 | Noon – 1pm

Join us for an in-person discussion with Secretary Crowfoot to talk about our priorities across the Resources Agency.

He will highlight recent progress, discuss challenges we face, and lay out his priorities for 2024.

Join the Campus Connect Planning Council

If you're eager to be part of shaping meaningful discussions, consider joining the Campus Connect Planning Council. Email us at to express your interest or to promote your departments upcoming event.

Let's collaborate and make a difference for California's environment and heritage!