Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission

Materials and links to meetings below

In February 2017, due to damage to the main spillway at Oroville Dam and subsequent public safety declarations, approximately 188,000 area residents evacuated their homes to safer ground. Having repaired the damaged spillway and bolstered the adjacent emergency spillway, the state is assessing the future needs of the 50-year complex and the many appurtenances required for the functioning of the State Water Project. In 2018, the Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission, created by Senate Bill 955 (Nielsen), was established to be a public forum for discussing issues related to the Oroville Dam facilities. The Commission will discuss maintenance, findings, reports, and upcoming actions, and to conduct other communications regarding operations, maintenance, and public safety activities at Oroville Dam and its facilities, and flood management elements on the Feather River. The Commission will serve as a representative to the public for the purposes sharing information, and act as a unified voice from the communities surrounding Oroville Dam to provide public feedback, advice, and best practices.

Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission Charter

Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission Members

Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission Report

Contact the Oroville Dam Citizens Advisory Commission

Questions or comments? Please contact us by calling 800-574-7401 or e-mailing Samantha.Arthur@resources.ca.gov

Commission Meetings

Friday, March 7, 2025, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link:

For audio only, join via phone:

  • USA (214) 765-0479 US Toll, or USA (888) 278-0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019


Friday, December 6, 2024, from 10 a.m. to noon

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link:

For audio only, join via phone:

  • Dial USA (214) 765-0479 US Toll, or USA (888) 278-0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019 


Friday, August 2, 2024, from 10 a.m. to noon

Meeting 17 Small Group Follow Up Discussion

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link:

For audio only, join via phone:

  • Dial USA (214) 765-0479 US Toll, or USA (888) 278-0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019 



Friday, March 1, 2024, from 10 a.m. to noon

Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd, Multipurpose Room
Oroville, CA



Wednesday, November 15, 2023, from 10 a.m. to noon

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link:

For audio only, join via phone:

  • Dial USA (214) 765-0479 US Toll, or USA (888) 278-0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019



Friday, July 7, 2023 from 10 a.m. to noon

Public Meeting Notice

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link:

For audio only, join via phone:

  • Dial USA (214) 765-0479 US Toll, or USA (888) 278-0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019



February 24, 2023, 10 a.m. to noon

Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd, Multipurpose Room
Oroville, CA


October 21, 2022, 10 a.m. to noon

Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd, Multipurpose Room
Oroville, CA


July 29, 2022, 10 a.m. to noon

Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd, Multipurpose Room
Oroville, CA


Flood Safety Stakeholder Technical Workshop

April 22, 2022, 9am - noon

For audio and video, join virtual meeting
link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/89561533634

For audio only, join via phone:

  • Dial USA 214 765 0479 US Toll, or USA 888 278 0296 US Toll-free
  • Conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.


March 25, 2022

For audio and video, join virtual meeting
link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/83707894884

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial  USA 214 765 0479 US Toll, or USA 888 278 0296 US Toll-free
  2. Conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.

December 3, 2021

For audio and video, join virtual meeting
link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/82855837866

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial 214 765 0479 US or 888 278 0296 (US Toll Free)
  2. Conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.


August 27, 2021

For audio and video, join virtual meeting
link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/85989696316

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial 214-765-0479 US Toll or 888-278-0296 US Toll-free
  2. Conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.


May 28, 2021

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82532671872

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial 216-706-7075 US Toll or 866-390-1828 US Toll-free
  2. Conference code: 787909

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.

February 19, 2021

For audio and video, join virtual meeting link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/j/83640308054

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial 214 765 0479 US Toll or US toll free  888 278 0296 US Toll-free
  2. Conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.

November 13, 2020

For audio and video, join via virtual meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/97527785877

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial: 216 706 7075 or US Toll Free: 866 390 1828
  2. Use conference code: 787909

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)

Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.

August 21, 2020

For audio and video, join via virtual meeting link: https://bit.ly/CACmtg4

For audio only, join via phone:

  1. Dial: 214-765-0479 or US Toll Free: 888-278-0296
  2. Use conference code: 596019

Meeting documents will be available a few days prior to the meeting via links on the right under “Meeting Materials.”

(For details on how to join and troubleshooting tips see CAC Virtual Meeting Guide.)
Please call 800-485-6179 for assistance.

February 21, 2020

Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd,
Multipurpose Room,
Oroville, CA

November 20, 2019

Part 1: Oroville Dam Overlook Parking Area
Part 2: Southside Oroville Community Center
2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd,
Multipurpose Room
Oroville, CA

September 30, 2019

Southside Oroville Community Center

2959 Lower Wyandotte Rd,

Multipurpose Room

Oroville, CA

Oroville Dam Safety Comprehensive Needs Assessment – Resources and Information  

Link: https://water.ca.gov/Programs/State-Water-Project/SWP-Facilities/Oroville/Oroville-Dam-Safety-Comprehensive-Needs-Assessment


Senate Bill 955

Link: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB955