The California Department of Water Resources, in coordination with the California Natural Resources Agency, is no longer accepting proposals for the Instream Flow Water Purchase Program (formerly named the Protecting California’s Rivers, Streams, and Watersheds grant program).
Voters and the Legislature have authorized funding of projects that measurably enhance streamflow at a time and location necessary to provide fisheries or ecosystem benefits or that improve upon existing flow conditions. To ensure the greatest environmental benefit, promote the recovery of species, and improve upon existing flow conditions, the Instream Flow Water Purchase Program’s focus shall be on funding the acquisition of instream flows in the Sacramento-San Joaquin watershed provided January through June, with priority for flows provided in dry and critically dry water year types. Eligible applicants include individuals, non-profit groups, and public local entities that meet minimum qualifications set forth in these Guidelines.
Approximately up to $125 million of Prop. 68 funding and up to $235 million of general fund water resilience funding from previous budget cycles will be available for award. Under the program, the state will fund contracts, acquisition of water rights or land tied to water rights, or other projects that measurably enhance beneficial instream flows.