Small Business Liaison

Small Business / Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise / Microbusiness
Targeted Area Contract Preference Act

SB/DVBE/Micro Advocates

IT Services:  Danielle Rogers (

Non-IT Goods and Services, IT Goods:  Angel Rodgers (


TACPA Liaison

Danielle Rogers (


The Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) is committed to encouraging participation by SB/DVBE/Micro businesses whenever possible in contract solicitations.

CNRA strives to meet the 25% SB and 3% DVBE annual participation goals by reaching out to SB/DVBE/Micro businesses for purchases under $10,000, and to include the incentive waiver when crafting solicitations.

CNRA works to follow the best practices as set forth by DGS-OSDS.


The TACPA economic stimulus preference program was established to stimulate business investment in distressed areas of the state and create job opportunities for Californians for improving the economic vitality of their communities.

Solicitations expected to exceed $100,000.00 will contain the TACPA provision applying workplace and workforce preferences to eligible California-based companies.

An online tool is available to check if an address is in a TACPA qualified zone.

CNRA will follow directives put out by DGS with regards to the TACPA program.

The Small Business and DVBE Advocate does not advocate for or against the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any regulation or intervene in any pending investigation or enforcement action.