As California transitions to a hotter, drier future with greater swings between flood and drought conditions like we’ve seen this past year, DWR is continuing to prepare for the long-term impact on water management.
As California transitions to a hotter, drier future with greater swings between flood and drought conditions like we’ve seen this past year, DWR is continuing to prepare for the long-term impact on water management.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 26, 2023.
As California experiences more extreme swings between wet and dry periods, DWR continues to deploy innovative forecasting and water management strategies for the State Water Project (SWP) to adapt to California’s changing climate.
DWR is using a unique piece of State Water Project SWP infrastructure for the first time since 2006 to reduce the amount of flood waters going into Tulare Lake in the Central Valley.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 19, 2023.
California’s waterways offer plenty of recreation opportunities this summer, but it’s important to also remember that with warm water comes the potential for toxic algal blooms.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 12, 2023.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 5, 2023.
The State Water Project’s (SWP) reservoirs located throughout California kick off this summer with high water levels. When recreating at SWP facilities, you should always keep water safety as a top priority and stay alert of cold, fast, and fluctuating water conditions.
Congratulations to the 22 apprentices who graduated from the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Apprenticeship Program as Utility Craftsworkers and Hydroelectric Plant (HEP) Mechanics, Electricians, and Operators.