
DWR staff manually place spring-run Chinook salmon eggs in Feather River Watershed
Science is integral to DWR policy and management decisions. DWR develops and applies the best available science to water resource management. Approximately 300 scientists and 1,000 engineers at DWR apply their expertise to guide reservoir operations, ecosystem restoration, groundwater management, climate and weather forecasting, among other many topics.
DWR scientists and scientific products are guided by best practices for research, monitoring, and publication. DWR is a leading agency in achieving the goals of the Open and Transparent Water Data Act (AB 1755). DWR also publishes peer-reviewed articles and values independent review of its major programs.
DWR advances science through collaboration. Partnership with academic institutions and other science-based organizations is essential to innovation for water management and adaptation to climate change. Examples include participation in the Interagency Ecological Program to guide monitoring and science in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta, and the development of a climate resilient forecasting network to advance watershed management planning tools.
Lead Scientist
- Sierra Nevada Phillips Award for Women in Water Resource Sciences! Every year, DWR presents this award to recognize a woman that has been a leader in water resources sciences to inform management, engage her community, and mentor the next generation of women water leaders.
- 2023 Recipient: Dale Hoffman-Floerke, former DWR Chief Deputy Director View Photos or Watch the Video
2024 Recipient: Dr. Jan Thompson, Emeritus Aquatic Ecologist for the United States Geological Survey. Watch the Video of the Award Presentation
- State Climatologist Receives Special Recognition Award
- Independent Scientific Review of 2023 Delivery Capability Report
- New: DWR Environmental DNA Strategy. Environmental DNA offers a powerful tool for biological monitoring. DWR is on the leading edge of testing this approach to improve information available for management.