Bay Delta

This view looks northeast from the embankment of the Harvey O. Banks Pumping Plant, toward the intake channel and the Clifton Court Forebay in the distance. DWR/2013.
Water Quality & Supply
We focus on projects and planning that improve water supply reliability and water quality for State and federal water project exports and local uses. We conduct engineering and environmental planning studies to improve the operation of existing State Water Project (SWP) facilities and plan for new facilities. We also:
- Improve the understanding of relationships and factors affecting Delta water quality and the effects of water project exports
- Develop and improve aquatic habitats for Delta animal and plant species
- Improve conditions for andromonous fish species like salmon
- Perform environmental planning and regulatory compliance reporting
- Meet water rights and court decisions requirements
Environmental Compliance
The reliability of water supply from the Delta is at risk due to declining fish species and increasing regulatory requirements to protect remaining populations. Our role is to implement required actions to improve survival of fishery resources in the Delta. It is our goal to reduce the amount of time the Delta water supply is disrupted and improve the Delta ecosystem. We manage projects and scientific studies that are intended to:
- Improve the efficiency of SWP export facilities in protecting listed fish species
- Reduce predation and increase survival of listed species at SWP facilities
- Improve the understanding of the effects of SWP export facilities on listed fish species
We construct and use state-of-the-art mathematical computer models to determine SWP flow of water and water quality in the Delta. These models track water as it falls on land in the form of rain or snow, moves over land as streams and rivers, is then stored in reservoirs or in the ground, and finally makes its way back out to the ocean or evaporates into the atmosphere.Our models track the quality of water and any salts or heavy metals that move with the flow of water, including the effects of sea water intrusion in the Delta. The models can also determine impacts to water supply and quality over the long term by evaluating the impact of water management strategies and alternatives.

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
- California Data Exchange Center (CDEC)
- California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Studies and Surveys
- U.S. Geological Survey, Current Water Data for California
- Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
- Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region, Bay Delta Office
- Bay Delta Conservation Plan
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bay Delta Fish and Wildlife Office
Contact Us
Find additional Bay Delta contact information in the Directory.