Native American Heritage Month

Native American Heritage Month Logo

This Native American Heritage Month, The California Natural Resources Agency and its supporting departments, invite you to celebrate Native American Heritage Month.

Date: November 6, from 11:30am - 1:30pm

Title: Lunch Social with Bigfoot Frybread Indian Tacos

Location: California Natural Resources Agency Headquarters Courtyard (Between the Poppy and Condor Pavilions on O Street) 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95841

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month and join us for a lunch social with Bigfoot Frybread - the First Native American mobile concession in the Sacramento area - who will serve up traditional Native American Frybread and Indian tacos. Frybread and Indian tacos are a delicious reminder of the survival, resiliency, and creativity of Native American tribes and people in the face of adversity. Please join us to learn more!

Learn more about Bigfoot Frybread Indian Tacos! Bigfoot Frybread | Facebook and Bigfoot Frybread (@bigfootfrybread) Instagram

Date: November 7 from 10:00am – noon

Title: California Native American Monument Unveiling and Dedication Ceremony

Location: 1300 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814 (across from the Hyatt Hotel)

Join the California Legislative Native American Caucus for the unveiling and dedication ceremony for the new California Native American Monument at the California Capitol.


Date: November 7 from 12:30 – 2:00pm

Title: Getting Hired by the State of California - Virtual Hiring Panel -Tips, Tricks & Strategies

Register here:

The California Natural Resources Agency is hosting a virtual webinar to share tips, tricks, and strategies for applying for and receiving a job with the State of California. This virtual hiring event will include an overview of the benefits of working for the state, a step-by step instructional of how to apply for a state position, an opportunity to meet with HR hiring managers from several California state departments and a list of open positions as well as resources.

Date: November 13 from 4:00 – 6:00pm

Title: Film Screening and Panel Discussion: Saging the World

Location: California Natural Resources Agency Headquarters Auditorium 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95841

Join us to watch Saging the World, an award-winning documentary by Rose Ramirez, Deborah Small, and California Native Plant Society (CNPS) to foster understanding and inspire action for white sage. Sage smudging has become a viral trend. What’s the truth behind the smoke? Metric tons of white sage (Salvia apiana) are being poached to supply an international demand. This plant is deeply rooted in the cultures and lifeways of the Indigenous communities of Southern California and northern Baja, the only region where white sage naturally occurs in the world. The devastating theft and the appropriation trend that it fuels stand in sharp contrast with the values and traditional practices of regional native communities. The screening will be followed by a Q+A discussion and reception.

Register here:

Date: November 14 from noon – 1:00pm

Title: Native Voices on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and how its Informs Advocacy

Register here:

Tribal Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) plays a crucial role guiding environmental policy and conservation practices across California. Join us for an important discussion with tribal leaders about how California Native American tribes and communities are using this knowledge to protect culturally significant species, traditional practices and the environment. Leaders from a diverse range of California Native American tribes will share personal experiences, expertise, and a wealth of knowledge passed down through generations and explain how this knowledge is being used to safeguard native plants, preserve cultural practices, and restore cultural fires and other traditional practices. Join us as we discuss the integral connection between TEK and all we are doing to protect California’s environment.


Native American Heritage Month Logo

The California Natural Resources Agency is proud of our tribal affairs logo for our Tribal Nature-Based Solutions program and Native American Heritage month. Our State Parks team designed this logo to help elevate tribal affairs work at the Agency and stress the importance of protecting and respecting culturally important native species. The species depicted in the design – red abalone and white sage – are culturally important to many California Native American people and each species’ population is facing a rapid decline in nature. By highlighting these important species, we hope to create awareness of their ecological and cultural importance to encourage their respectful treatment. CNRA encourages anyone wishing to learn more about the cultural importance of these species to research and listen to the Native leaders, elders, and cultural practitioners advocating for the protection and respect of these species.

Secretary Crowfoot and Asst. Secretary for Tribal Affairs Thompson on Native American Heritage Month

Site For Future California Indian Heritage Center