DWR Updates

The Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority (DCA) has been formed as a Joint Powers Authority by the participating public water agencies. It will be charged with final design and construction of WaterFix facilities, under the oversight of DWR.

The Delta

Final permitting for WaterFix is on the horizon and implementation is imminent. To embark on this important next step, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) will adjust its organizational structure to ensure an efficient and effective construction program that protects the State's interests by managing risk and controlling costs.

Middle chute of Lake Oroville main spillway on  May 3, 2018

Construction on the main spillway resumes at 12:01 a.m., May 8. Crews will begin removing the temporary RCC walls in the middle section of the main spillway in order to place structural concrete walls later in the year.

State Water Project Final Delivery Capability Report 2017 cover

The final State Water Project Delivery Capability Report 2017 has been released. This report updates estimates of the current (2017) State Water Project delivery capability and incorporates all current regulatory requirements for SWP and CVP operations, including the biological opinions issued by the USFWS and the NMFS.

Lena Begay makes fry bread for family and guests of DWR at the Miranda allotment.

Four new videos featuring members of native California tribes discussing the impacts of climate change will debut at the Tribal Water Summit on April 5.

