Delta Conveyance Updates

Earthquake map

In the first of two Delta Conveyance Deep Dive episodes on seismic risks in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Laurence Sanati, head of the DWR Flood Systems Analysis Section, speaks about the potential consequences of a major earthquake in or near the Delta and the measures currently in place to deal with such an event.

image of construction of the main Oroville spillway

In the first episode in the Delta Conveyance Team Spotlight video series, we spoke with the project’s Executive Director Tony Meyers about his long and eventful career in engineering, including work on some of DWR’s most ambitious and significant infrastructure projects.

DWR logo

The project is for “Proposed Changes” to the 2020 Soil Investigation for Data Collection in the Delta Project as approved in the previously adopted Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration

Migratory birds congregate over a field in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

In the latest Delta Conveyance Deep Dive video, we take a look at the financing mechanisms that make the project possible, both now, in the initial planning stages, and in the future if the project is approved.


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