It’s estimated that the California Gold Rush brought close to 300,000 people from all over the world to our state in the mid-19th century. Among them, were some of the first Asian immigrants to enter the U.S.
It’s estimated that the California Gold Rush brought close to 300,000 people from all over the world to our state in the mid-19th century. Among them, were some of the first Asian immigrants to enter the U.S.
Groundwater is a life-giving resource located beneath our feet. It provides drinking water for millions of Californians, irrigation water for farmers who grow our food, and supplies numerous communities with their entire water supply.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 8, 2020.
Nicole Kwan is an environmental scientist with DWR’s Division of Environmental Services. Her work focuses on the aquatic ecology of the Delta, with emphasis on fish communities and food web productivity in the Yolo Bypass floodplain.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) scoping period concluded on April 17, 2020 after an extended 93-day public comment period. DWR is reviewing all submitted comments and will publish a scoping report summarizing the information this summer.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 1, 2020
Hundreds of juvenile Steelhead trout were released into the Feather River this spring, the culmination of a popular educational program that was interrupted by the COVID-19 health emergency.
Lake Oroville Community Update for April 24, 2020.
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced $7 million in grants to restore streams, creeks, and rivers to more natural environmental conditions and reduce flood damage risks across multiple communities in California.
Lake Oroville Community Update for April 17, 2020