DWR Updates

Groundwater recharge ponds are located on the grounds of the Stockton East Water District (SEWD)

Nearly eight years ago, during our last severe drought in 2014, the California Legislature took bold action to enact landmark groundwater legislation known as the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Less than a decade later, the West is experiencing continued historic drought impacts that have researchers claiming this to be the most gri ...

Smolts (juvenile salmon able to return to the ocean) are loaded onto specialized trucks and transported to their release location in the San Pablo Bay.

Oroville’s Feather River Fish Hatchery (FRFH) released over 11.3 million young Chinook salmon smolts into the waters of the Feather River, San Pablo Bay, and San Francisco Bay from March to June 2022 to support Northern California and Pacific Ocean fisheries. These fish include both spring and fall-run Chinook salmon.

