Local Levee Assistance Program

We established the Local Levee Assistance Program (LLAP) to provide financial assistance to local public agencies responsible for flood management outside the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. This assistance helps local agencies obtain the geotechnical information needed to repair damaged levees and to restore or maintain levee accreditation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The LLAP solicits applications, evaluates proposals, and awards funding to evaluate levees and design and construct critical levee repairs.

The program was initiated by Proposition 84 (the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Bond Act of 2006) that authorized $275 million for us to fund flood control projects that are consistent with the Proposition’s objectives; approximately $83 million of this funding was allocated for LLAP projects.

Grants from this program fund:

  • Geotechnical exploration of existing local levees and evaluation of the data for stability, seepage, and underseepage deficiencies.
  • Repair of local flood control facilities critically damaged by erosion, levees with unstable slopes, and other unstable facilities.

The funds allocated for these grants are expended through competitive grants to local public agencies responsible for flood control at the project location.