Agriculture Water Use Efficiency CDFA-DWR Pilot Project

No open solicitations. Through this competitive grant program, DWR and CDFA intended to demonstrate the potential multiple benefits of conveyance enhancements combined with on-farm agricultural water use efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas reductions. The grant funding provided in this joint program was intended to address multiple goals including: 1) water use efficiency, conservation and reduction, 2) greenhouse gas emission reductions, 3) groundwater protection, and 4) sustainability of agricultural operations and food production. It is also anticipated that there are benefits to water and air quality, groundwater security, surface water conservation, and improved nutrient management and crop health through this program.



On September 13, 2017, DWR awarded the entire $3 million of available Proposition 1 funds to the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District to upgrade the south system water conveyance to provide on-demand, pressurized water to their growers.

There were 19 grower co-applicants applying for CDFA SWEEP funds totaling $1.65 million.

The combined projects anticipated the following benefits:

  • 1,000 acre-feet per year water savings through reduced system losses
  • 1,800 acre-feet per year water saving through on-farm water efficiency improvements
  • 370 MTCO2e per year reduced GHG emissions (125 MTCO2e pe year from supplier)
  • 12,000 acre-feet per year in-lieu groundwater recharge

Contact Information

Fethi BenJemaa
Urban and Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Grant Program Manager
(916) 651-7025

Marty Berbach
(916) 651-9216