North Bay Aqueduct Fish Screen Evaluation Program
Our North Bay Aqueduct Fish Screen Evaluation Program develops and implements actions that examine if the North Bay facilities are performing as designed, evaluate the efficacy of fish screen cleaning practices, and gain a better understanding of how various scenarios of fish presence and pumping rates contribute to entrainment. We formed a multidisciplinary technical team that included staff from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, National Marine Fisheries Service, Solano County Water Agency, and Suisun Resource Conservation District. This program is required by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife as a part of the California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit issued to DWR and fulfills the requirements of the 2008 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Long-Term Operations Biological Opinion.
This map shows the location of the North Bay Aqueduct (NBA) Fish Screen Evaluation, which was conducted at the Barker Slough Pumping Plant.
Contact Information
Ryan L. Reeves, P.E.
Fisheries Infrastructure and Operations Branch
Division of Integrated Science and Engineering