Drinking Water Well Resources
As California’s climate conditions continue to intensify and become more variable, less snowpack, precipitation, and surface water is leading to an increased reliance on groundwater. DWR supports local agencies in their efforts to improve water supply reliability for Californians and communities who use groundwater wells for drinking water and household purposes through guidance and technical assistance, including the resources found on this page.
Drinking Water Well Guidance Document and Toolkit

DWR developed the Considerations for Identifying and Addressing Drinking Water Well Impacts guidance and technical assistance document to support and assist groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) as they implement and prepare for periodic updates of their groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs) to ensure the plans fully consider and appropriately engage drinking water well users during the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation.
The document provides guidance and technical assistance and various approaches to address impacts to drinking water well users and is also in support of Strategy 6.2 of the Drinking Water Well Principles and Strategies document.
DWR has developed the Considerations for Identifying and Addressing Drinking Water Well Impacts Toolkit, which includes the suite of resources below, as a complementary component to the guidance document. The toolkit includes links to state agency materials, tools, data, and assistance to support local agencies. The guidance document and toolkit are focused on assisting GSAs in implementing SGMA and their local GSPs. GSAs, Counties and Well Permitting Agencies, and well users each have a critical role to ensure the long-term sustainability of groundwater across the State.
- Framework for a Drinking Water Well Impact Mitigation Program A 2018 document from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)* that provides a framework for short-term solutions and long-term well mitigation strategies, including public outreach, data, and funding resources, as well as case studies for well mitigation programs. (*NGOs include Self-Help Enterprises, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, and the Community Water Center).
- SGMA Portal A tool to view and download information related to GSPs, GSAs, alternatives to GSPs, adjudicated areas, and groundwater basin boundary modifications.
- GSA Map Viewer A web map tool to aid in locating your local GSA.
- Well Permitting Agencies A listing of local well permitting agencies with regulatory authority over well construction, alteration, and destruction activities
- Online System for Well Completion Reports (OSWCR) A catalog of well completion reports submitted to DWR, complimented by:
- Well Completion Report Map Application Allows users to access data by location and a link to each well completion report.
- California’s Groundwater Live Allows users to explore interactive and user-friendly dashboards that detail California's well infrastructure, including domestic and public supply wells.
- Drinking Water Supply Service Area Lookup Tool A State Water Resources Control Board web map tool to locate drinking water system(s) for your area.
- More detailed system data (including water quality data) can be found at Drinking Water Watch.
- Well Permitting Agencies A listing of local well permitting agencies with regulatory authority over well construction, alteration, and destruction activities.
- Strategy for State Small Water Systems, Domestic Wells, and Other Self-Supplied Communities A comprehensive site for the Water Board’s Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) program’s efforts to centralize data related to State Smalls and domestic wells.
- Source Water Protection A Water Board web application that provides a centralized location for public water system groundwater source well locations, vulnerability assessments, potentially contaminating activities, and other data relevant to source water protection.
- Mapping Tools Three web-based mapping applications to assist local agencies and other interested parties in water management planning efforts: Disadvantaged Communities (DACs), Economically Distressed Areas (EDAs), and Water Management Planning Tool.
- DWR Assistance and Engagement A catalog of tools and programs for engaging interested parties and stakeholders, which features:
- Communication and Engagement Toolkit A set of guides and resources to assist local SGMA implementation efforts, including templates that can be tailored to specific needs and audiences.
- Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Guidance Document Provided by DWR in 2018 to aid GSAs with communication and engagement during GSP development.
- Engaging and Communicating with Underrepresented Groundwater Users Provided by DWR in 2021 as a supplement to the Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Guidance Document.
- Basin Profile Template A PowerPoint tool for GSAs to communicate their sustainable groundwater management efforts with interested parties (instructions on use, tutorial video).
- Engagement with Tribal Governments Guidance Document Provided by DWR in 2018 to aid GSAs with Tribal engagement during GSP development.
- Facilitation Support Services Provided by DWR to help GSAs navigate through challenging water management situations and encourage the active involvement of diverse social, cultural, and economic interests and consider all beneficial uses and users of groundwater when developing and implementing GSPs.
- Written Translation Services Provided by DWR to help GSAs communicate with their non-English speaking or limited English proficient constituents.
- Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Mapping Tool An online tool to view DACs, Severely DACs (SDACs), and Economically Distressed Areas (EDAs) (as identified by DWR) by Census Tracts, Places, and Block Groups.
- Groundwater: Understanding and Managing this Vital Resource A Storymap developed by DWR to educate the general public on the fundamentals of groundwater in California.
- Stakeholder Inclusion Fact Sheet A fact sheet provided by the Water Board regarding stakeholder inclusion by GSAs.
- Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility and Reporting Fact Sheet A brief fact sheet describing DWR's Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Analysis and Dry Well Reporting System.
- DWR’s SGMA Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Guidance Documents provide guidance on various aspects of understanding basin conditions, including the Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model BMP, the Water Budget BMP, and the Modeling BMP.
- Conditions Reports A collection of statewide and regional reports which present a summary of groundwater conditions based on available data and includes information on groundwater levels, land subsidence, well infrastructure and dry well reports.
- California’s Groundwater (Bulletin 118) The State’s official publication on the occurrence and nature of groundwater in California, defining groundwater basin boundaries and summarizing groundwater information for each of the State’s 10 hydrologic regions. As part of Bulletin 118, DWR also publishes California's Groundwater Semi-Annual Conditions Updates.
General Mapping and Modeling Tools
- California’s Groundwater Live A user-friendly interactive website that allows users to explore, analyze, and visualize the latest groundwater data and information for California, including current groundwater levels, well infrastructure, and land subsidence conditions.
- SGMA Data Viewer An interactive tool that provides access to groundwater-related datasets that can be used to improve basin condition understanding.
- Modeling & Analysis, Applications, and Platforms
- California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model (C2VSim) A groundwater modeling tool that simulates water movement through linked land surface, groundwater, and surface water flows in California’s Central Valley.
- Sacramento Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model (SVSim) A model of the Sacramento Valley to support more detailed analysis of streamflow depletion due to groundwater substitution transfers as well as support the implementation of SGMA.
- Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys Information about the statewide AEM data collection effort with the data available both on a viewer and via the Open Data Platform
Drought-Related Conditions
- Dry Well Reporting System State repository where individuals can voluntarily report a dry well and receive information on how to obtain assistance.
- The site’s Statewide Summary page allows users to explore the data by county and via a mapping application.
- The raw Dry Well Reporting System Data is available on the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data platform.
- Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Tool A mapping tool to view vulnerable areas where dry wells may occur.
- DWR’s Drought Planning for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities (SB 552) Find requirements for small water suppliers, counties, and state agencies to proactively plan and prepare for future drought conditions.
Water Quality/Drinking Water-Related Conditions
- SGMA Groundwater Quality Visualization Tool A Water Board resource to aid GSAs and other interested parties to understand water quality conditions within their basins.
- GAMA Groundwater Information System A consolidation of water quality data from various Water Board, DWR, and United States Geological Survey (USGS) programs into a single location.
- Aquifer Risk Map for Domestic Wells and State Small Water Systems A Water Board resource that identifies areas of the State where domestic wells and state small water systems may be at risk of accessing groundwater that does not meet primary drinking water standards.
- Source Water Protection A Water Board web application that provides a centralized location for public water system groundwater source wall locations, vulnerability assessments, and potentially contaminating activities, and other data relevant to source water protection.
Land Subsidence-Related Conditions
- TRE ALTAMIRA InSAR Subsidence Data A dataset representing measurements of vertical ground surface displacement in more than 200 of the high-use and populated groundwater basins across the State of California.
- Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps BMP DWR-provided best management practice document to assist GSAs and other stakeholder in the development of a monitoring network and to identify and resolve data gaps.
- The SGMA Portal’s Monitoring Network Module contains monitoring sites and data for GSPs and is where GSAs are required to submit their data. Currently, this site requires login by GSA users to view and explore the data.
- SGMA Data Viewer Makes many of the SGMA Portal’s GSA-entered Monitoring Network Module data viewable and searchable on a mapping platform as well as a wide variety of other groundwater-related data.
- GSP Monitoring Data Location on the Open Data platform where DWR makes the raw Monitoring Network Module data available.
- GSP Regulations contain the requirements for Sustainable Management Criteria in Article 5, Subarticle 3.
- Draft Sustainable Management Criteria BMP contains guidance for GSAs in developing their Sustainable Management Criteria.
- GSP Status Summary A summary of the GSPs submitted to DWR, including DWR determinations (as applicable), GSP Annual Reports, Periodic Evaluations for each GSP, and information for representative sites monitoring sustainable management criteria.
- SGMA Data Viewer's Groundwater Levels Tab provides access to groundwater level data including “DWR GW Level Percentile Statistics” that can be used to understand current groundwater level conditions.
- The Dry Well Reporting System is where individuals can report a dry well and receive information on how to obtain assistance. The site’s Statewide Summary page allows users to explore the data by county and via a mapping application. The raw Dry Well Reporting System Data is available on the Open Data platform
- Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Tool A mapping tool to view vulnerable areas where dry wells may occur.
- California’s Groundwater Live Check current groundwater levels, well infrastructure, and land subsidence
- USGS’s Seawater Intrusion page A USGS repository of information, tools, and additional resources to help water managers address key components of the required GSPs related to seawater intrusion, including monitoring.
- Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys Information about the statewide AEM data collection effort with the data available both on a viewer and via the Open Data Platform
- SGMA Data Viewer's Water Quality Tab provides access to groundwater quality data from a variety of sources and includes access to the Water Board’s Aquifer Risk Map which can be used to understand current water quality conditions.
- Groundwater Quality Considerations document describes a methodology to identify constituents of concern.
- GAMA Groundwater Information System consolidates water quality data from various Water Board, DWR, and USGS programs into a single location
- Aquifer Risk Map for Domestic Wells and State Small Water Systems An online resource that identifies areas of the state where domestic wells and state small water systems may be at risk of accessing groundwater that does not meet primary drinking water standards.
- Source Water Protection A web application that provides a centralized location for public water system groundwater source well locations, vulnerability assessments, potentially contaminating activities, and other data relevant to source water protection.
- SGMA Data Viewer's Land Subsidence Tab provides access to Extensometer, GPS, and InSAR data, including the TRE Altamira InSAR dataset which can be used to assess recent displacement over a variety of timeframes.
- TRE ALTAMIRA InSAR Subsidence Data available on DWR’s Open Data platform.
- Framework for a Drinking Water Well Impact Mitigation Program 2018 document from NGOs* provides a framework for short-term solutions and long-term well mitigation strategies, including public outreach, data, and funding resources, as well as case studies for well mitigation programs.
*NGOs include Self-Help Enterprises, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, and the Community Water Center.
- DWR’s Drought Planning for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities (SB 552) Find requirements for small water suppliers, counties, and state agencies to proactively plan and prepare for future drought conditions.
Project types include, but are not limited to:
- California Groundwater Projects Tool An interactive mapping tool that allows users to view groundwater management project information in a geospatial format. The tool is intended to provide information on outcomes from grant funded SGMA related projects as well as potential SGMA related projects.
- Consolidation A step-by-step approach made available by the Water Board (when one water system is dissolved and their customers are provided service by another existing water system), including a Drinking Water System Outreach Tool for identifying opportunities for consolidation of water systems.
- Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge (Flood-MAR) An integrated and voluntary resource management strategy that uses flood water resulting from, or in anticipation of, rainfall or snow melt for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) on agricultural lands and working landscapes, including but not limited to refuges, floodplains, and flood bypasses.
- On March 28, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-7-22, which included the suspension under specific circumstances of the California Environmental Quality Act, also known as CEQA; projects must be consistent with Executive Order Action 13 to use the CEQA suspension and must carry out groundwater recharge on open and working lands and need to offset drought impacts on groundwater. Review the Fact Sheet on Executive Order Action 13.
- Conservation Tips A host of resources for indoor and outdoor tips for conserving water resources, in partnership with the Association of California Water Agencies.
- California Grants Portal Provides current and projected funding opportunities in a multitude of sectors for businesses, individuals, nonprofits, public agencies, and Tribal Governments.
- DWR’s Grants Best Practices and Tips for Success Includes information and resources that can help applicants better succeed in the grant process.
- DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program Provides grant funding for GSAs implementing SGMA and their GSPs.
- Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) Using short- and long-term strategies, SAFER is designed to ensure Californians who lack safe, adequate, and affordable drinking water receive it as quickly as possible and that the water systems serving them establish sustainable solutions.
- Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps BMP DWR-provided best management practice document to assist GSAs and other stakeholders in the development of a monitoring network and to identify and resolve data gaps.
- Statewide Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Surveys Basin-specific and cross-basin geophysical data, tools, and analyses, with data available both on an interactive data viewer and via the Open Data Platform.
- California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Includes a compilation of datasets used to characterize the required elements of SGMA implementation (and more). Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Natural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater for identifying groundwater dependent ecosystems, which is also available as an interactive data viewer.
- SGMA Climate Change Resources for accessing climate change datasets related to climatology, hydrology, and water operations.
- Various datasets related to the six sustainability indicators of SGMA: chronic lowering of groundwater levels, reduction of groundwater storage, seawater intrusion, land subsidence, water quality degradation, and depletions of interconnected surface water.
- DWR's Brochure on Alignment and Coordination encourages voluntary cooperation between GSAs implementing SGMA & Counties carrying out drought resilience planning requirements of SB 552.
- The Groundwater Management Principles and Strategies to Monitor, Analyze, and Minimize Impacts to Drinking Water Wells Impacts to Drinking Water Wells Developed in coordination with the Water Board in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s April 21, 2021 State of Emergency Proclamation Action 11. A StoryMap is available that tracks the development and progress of the effort.
- DWR’s Drought Planning for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities (SB 552) Find requirements for small water suppliers, counties, and state agencies to proactively plan and prepare for future drought conditions.
- Information about the nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards.
- Well Permitting Agencies A listing of local well permitting agencies with regulatory authority over well construction, alteration, and destruction activities.
- The Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment A program under the Water Board is a comprehensive groundwater quality monitoring program and collaborates with the RWQCBs, DWR, the Department of Pesticide Regulations, USGS, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and local water agencies and well owners.
- The Water Board’s Division of Drinking Water has a variety of programs that regulate public drinking water systems.
- Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience (SAFER) A Water Board program designed to ensure Californians who lack safe, adequate, and affordable drinking water receive it as quickly as possible and that the water systems serving them establish sustainable solutions.
- The Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program A Water Board program designed to prevent degradation of surface water and groundwater from agriculture.
- Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS) A collaborative initiative among business, government, and community organizations to address nitrate and salt accumulation affecting water supplies.
Drinking Water Well Principles and Strategies
DWR, in coordination with the Water Board, developed the Drinking Water Well Principles and Strategies in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s April 21, 2021 State of Emergency Proclamation Action 11. This document now provides a framework of state actions related to groundwater management and drinking water wells. For more information and to track progress of the Drinking Water Well Strategies, view our Storymap.
The Groundwater Exchange is a central, collaborative, and publicly accessible online resource center connecting water managers, water users, and community members with tools and resources to support the design and implementation of effective Groundwater Sustainability Plans under California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. The Groundwater Exchange is a program of the California Water Library and is a project of the Multiplier, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that helps protect and foster a healthy, sustainable, resilient, and equitable world.
Contact us
To contact our office with questions or public comments, please email us at: sgmps@water.ca.gov