Regional Flood Management Planning
Following adoption of the 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (2012 CVFPP), DWR funded six regionally-led Regional Flood Management Plans (RFMPs) that describe local and regional flood management priorities and challenges. These RFMPs also identify potential funding mechanisms and site-specific improvement needs.
These regional plans provide valuable perspectives from regional and local flood managers that help inform and align CVFPP investment strategies and implementation. The RFMPs also provide a platform for meaningful engagement among DWR and local and regional flood planning entities across the Sacramento River and San Joaquin River basins.
Announcement of Final Guidelines and Solicitation Period
The California Department of Water Resources announces the availability of final Guidelines (PDF) and opening of the solicitation period for the Regional Flood Management Program (RFMP). This program will provide direct funding to California local public agencies willing to coordinate and collaborate with other interested parties and stakeholders in their region to pursue local funding mechanisms and regional consolidation. These agencies will also, as appropriate, implement programs, studies, and activities in support of their previously completed Regional Plans that are consistent with the 2022 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) update and future updates of the CVFPP. Up to $3.8 million is available through Proposition 68 (2018).
Solicitation Period
The solicitation period began on June 24, 2022, and it will close at 5 p.m. on Monday, July 25, 2022 (30 days). Please submit your application package via email to Aaron Wu at or mail them to:
California Department of Water Resources
Attention: Aaron Wu
3464 El Camino Avenue, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95821
The RFMPs, flood atlases, and contact information for the six regions are available on these websites:
- Feather River Regional Flood Management Plan – (Website will be available at a later date)
- Lower Sacramento River/Delta North Flood Management Plan
- Mid & Upper Sacramento River Regional Flood Management Plan
- Lower San Joaquin River and Delta South Regional Flood Management Plan
- Mid San Joaquin River Regional Flood Management Plan
- Upper San Joaquin River Regional Flood Management Plan – (Website will be available at a later date)