Water Plan Plenary

Carl Morrison of the Bay Area Flood Protection Agencies Association serves as a panelist during the 2017 Water Plan Plenary on September 27, 2017.
The California Water Plan Plenary events provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to learn about the work happening in parallel collaboration venues, see how their own efforts contribute to the larger Water Plan update work, and coordinate upcoming activities.
The plenary meeting, which includes general and concurrent breakout sessions, allows participants with different backgrounds and roles to meet one another, increase their understanding of Water Plan issues and others’ interests, and develop a shared sense of responsibility for the outcomes of the Water Plan.
2018 Water Plan Plenary
DWR held the third and final Update 2018 Plenary on October 9 and 10, 2018, at the Civic Center Galleria in West Sacramento, California. The Plenary focused on the challenges the Water Plan addresses and the importance of collaboration and partnership in integrating actions across all levels of government.The agenda/program includes the sessions, invited speakers/panelists, and their biographies. The presentations, handouts, recording, and notes (if available) are provided below.
2018 Plenary Program
- Presentations
- Day 1: Water Plan Presentations | Management Tools and Strategies | Legal Update
- Day 2: Water Plan Presentations
- Update 2018 Factsheet
- SIMBasin Handouts
- Stakeholder Perspectives: IRWM Recommendations
2017 Water Plan Plenary
DWR held the second Update 2018 Plenary on September 27, 2017 at the Wildland Fire Training and Conference Center in McClellan, California. The Plenary focused on three main themes: data, funding, and integrated regional water management.
The agenda/program includes the breakout session descriptions, invited speakers/panelists, and their biographies. The presentations, handouts, recording, and notes (if available) are provided below.
- 2017 Plenary Program
The following presentations were presented during the "Advancing Regional Water Management" breakout session.
The following presentations were presented during the "Where's the Money?" breakout session.
- Where Else is the Money?
- Water Markets
- Water - What is the Role of Fees, Taxes, or Other Levies?