Notice of Completion of the Compilation of 2018 Delta Levee Five-Year Plan Data


Release of the Compilation of 2018 Delta Levee Five-Year Plan Data 

DWR is pleased to announce the release of the Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program Compilation of 2018 Delta Levee Five-Year Plan Data. DWR’s Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program (Special Projects Program) provided an opportunity for levee maintaining agencies (LMAs) in the Delta to develop a five-year plan (Plan) for rehabilitation of their facilities to a necessary level of protection. In 2018, the Special Projects Program provided as much as $3.5 million in local assistance funding from Propositions 1E and 84 to solicit the LMAs to develop or update their Plan to support levee work in the Delta that integrates levee and habitat improvements while protecting discrete and identifiable public benefits. 

The Plans provide information for each participating LMA and include discussions on levee improvements, habitat enhancement, emergency response, seismic resilience, and export water supply reliability. Future project work incorporated into new or updated Plans follow criteria under the current program guidelines: Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program’s 2014 Guidelines for Providing Funding to Local Public Agencies dated June 18, 2014. The 2018 requirements for the five-year plan specify the format and content for the Plans.

Delta Levees Special Flood Control Projects Program Compilation of 2018 Delta Levee Five-Year Plan Data.