New Dam Safety Regulations for Public Review – Administrative Enforcement and Information Requests


The Department of Water Resources (Department), Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) implements the regulatory program established in Part of 1 of Division 3 of the Water Code. To implement this program, the Department has adopted regulations that govern several aspects of the program, including construction and enlargement of dams, inundation map requirements, and fees. These statutes and the Department’s regulations comprise what is commonly referred to as the Dam Safety Program. To address violations of the Dam Safety Program requirements, the Department proposes to adopt regulations that will govern its administrative enforcement procedures and its assessment of administrative civil penalties. The Department also proposes to adopt a regulation that will, interpret, clarify, and reinforce the Department’s information-request process to gather information from dam owners and suspected dam owners.


Regulations Currently being Promulgated by DWR: Administrative Enforcement and Information Requests.


Posting Date: May 21, 2021


For further information, see DSOD's website.