NOI to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 2017 Storm Damage Rehabilitation Site 80: Deer Creek Levee Erosion Repair Project


The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released a draft Initial Study (IS) and intends to adopt a proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the 2017 Storm Damage Rehabilitation Site 80: Deer Creek Levee Erosion Repair Project (proposed project). The draft IS and proposed MND have been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act to provide agencies, the public, and interested parties an opportunity to review the environmental analysis of the proposed project. 
The proposed project is located on the left bank of Deer Creek (Levee Mile 1.6, Unit 1), approximately 0.3 mile upstream from Leininger Road (Red Bridge) and 3.3 miles northeast of the town of Vina in Tehama County. The proposed project involves repair of a 175-foot section of State Plan of Flood Control levee along Deer Creek. Implementation of the proposed project would include construction activities at the erosion repair site, staging of vehicles and equipment in a designated staging area, and storage of imported materials at a designated interim laydown area. Repair activities would include excavating the erosion area; shaping the levee slope; placing launch rock, soil-filled rock fill, and an agricultural soil layer; and installing willow pole cuttings, sedge plugs, grass plugs, and willow fascine bundles.
The IS provides an assessment of the proposed project’s potential significant adverse impacts on the environment. The IS concludes the proposed project would not have any significant adverse effects on the environment after implementation of mitigation measures. 
The IS is being circulated for public review and comment for a period of 30 days starting February 5, 2020. Written comments should be submitted and received no later than close of business on March 5, 2020. 


Copies of the draft IS and proposed MND are available at:
A printed copy is available to view during business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) at the DWR office located at 3310 El Camino Ave. in Sacramento.

Please submit comments in writing or email to either: 

Kip Young, California Department of Water Resources, 3310 El Camino Ave., Sacramento, CA 95821 -or-

The most effective comments are those that follow the guidelines below:

Comments should be concise and focus directly on the analysis in the IS.
Comments should identify the specific part of the IS at issue and include supporting evidence and facts.
The commenter should provide complete references and/or citations, particularly when referring to websites (that is, provide a specific URL address rather than simply citing “DWR website,” for example).

Written comments must be received by close of business March 5, 2020. For further information, please contact Kip Young at (916) 574-2559 or