Meeting of the Drought Resilience Interagency & Partners (DRIP) Collaborative - October 25 2023

Join the Department of Water Resources for the third Drought Resilience Interagency & Partners (DRIP) Collaborative meeting. Members of the public will be able to observe the meeting and provide public comments in-person at the meeting location or remotely.


Meeting Time: 10:00am-5:00pm


Meeting Location

Sac State Downtown, 304 S Street, Training Room DTN 104 and 105, Sacramento, CA


Remote participation

Remote participation will be conducted via a Zoom platform. Members of the public who wish to listen and comment remotely during the meeting can do so by using the Zoom registration link. We encourage members of the public joining remotely to register at least 15 minutes before the meeting. Streaming will begin promptly at 10:00am.


The meeting live on YouTube. Individuals who only want to watch or listen should use this option as it preserves interactive meeting resources for those who are commenting on items. 


This meeting will be recorded and available after the meeting at



The Department of Water Resources established a standing drought and water shortage interagency task force in coordination with the State Water Board and other relevant state agencies to facilitate proactive state planning and coordination for pre-drought planning, emergency response, and post-drought management, consistent with Senate Bill 552 (Chaptered in 2021). The Task Force, called the Drought Resilience Interagency and Partners Collaborative (DRIP Collaborative), will serve as a public forum with state and non-state agency members to advance our drought strategies and continue building resilience to the increasingly arid conditions California faces. For more information visit the DRIP Collaborative's webpage


Meeting Agenda

Meeting Objectives

Outcome #1: Finalize problem statements for three prioritized DRIP Collaborative focus areas, building on past discussions.

Outcome #2: Identify actions that DRIP Collaborative can take in 2024 to directly address those problem statements, with focus on roles and responsibilities, timeline, and resources.  Also, develop sequence and approach for addressing other remaining focus areas.

Outcome #3: Align on process for developing the 2023 DRIP Collaborative Annual Report. 

1. 10:00am Welcome Remarks and Setting Intentions

  Reconnect to where the Drip Collaborative is in the ongoing process in developing a roadmap.

2. 10:15 Drip Collaborative Refinement of Priority Focus Areas - Part I - Discussion Item

DRIP Collaborative Members and staff will present a recap of our focus area list.

Members will finalize the problem statement for two prioritized focus areas and discuss potential actions

to take in 2024.

  • Drought Definition
  • Drought Preparedness for Domestic Wells

3. 12noon LUNCH

4. 1:00pm DRIP Collaborative Refinement of Priority Focus Areas 

Members will finalize the problem statement and discuss potential actions to take in 2024 related to the focus area of Drought Relevant Data.

  Members will discuss on how DRIP efforts on Drought Definition, Drought Preparedness for Domestic Wells, and Drought Relevant Data can be mutually reinforcing.

  Create list of corresponding 2024 potential actions and outline the DRIP roadmap.

5. 2:00 Sequencing other Focus Areas in the DRIP Roadmap - Discussion Item

  Recap other remaining focus areas highlighted in July/August. There will be a discussion to define expected impact and level of effort for those focus areas. Members will do a sequencing

  exercise of those focus areas

6. 3:00  BREAK

7. 3:15 Presentation of Annual Report Outline - Informational Item

  Share the Annual Report purpose, suggested outline, and process for DRIP Collaborative comment and review.

8. 3:45 Public Comment

9. 4:10 Informational Items

  • Hydrology Update
  • Status Report on Senate Bill 552 County Task Forces and Plans
  • Domestic Well Data Update
  • Identification of other informational "101" topics

10. 4:55 Action Item Review and Closing Comments

11. 5:00 Adjourn

Additional Notes for the Public

All times indicated and the order of business are approximated and subject to change. Members of the public will be able to observe the meeting and provide public comments in-person at the meeting location or remotely. Remote participation will be conducted via the web-based videoconferencing service Zoom. Registration is not required to provide public comments. Members of the public who wish to comment during the meeting can do so by joining on Zoom. Zoom streaming will begin at 10:00 AM.For more information visit


The DRIP Collaborative meeting location and Zoom option is accessible to people with disabilities. Any person who requires special assistance to participate in the meeting, wishes to request this notice or other meeting materials in an alternative format, requires translation services, or needs any disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, which would enable that person to participate at the meeting must make that request at least 7 days prior to the meeting date by contacting DRIP Collaborative Staff (Julie Ekstrom) at the Department of Water Resources at or calling at (916) 612-4371.

Sac State Downtown, 304 S Street, Training Room DTN 104 and 105, Sacramento, CA, 95811
