Drought Resilience Interagency and Partners (DRIP) Collaborative - July 20 2023
Join the Department of Water Resources for the second Drought Resilience Interagency & Partners (DRIP) Collaborative meeting. Members of the public will be able to observe the meeting and provide public comments in-person at the meeting location or remotely.
Meeting Time: 10AM-4:30PM
Meeting Location: Sac State Downtown, 304 S Street, Training Room DTN 104 and 105, Sacramento, CA
Remote participation will be conducted via a Zoom platform. Members of the public who wish to listen and comment remotely during the meeting can do so by joining using the
Zoom Webinar registration link.
The meeting will be viewable as a webcast live event. Individuals who only want to watch or listen should use this option as it preserves interactive meeting resources for those who are commenting on items.
The Department of Water Resources established a standing drought and water shortage interagency task force in coordination with the State Water Board and other relevant state agencies to facilitate proactive state planning and coordination for pre-drought planning, emergency response, and post-drought management, consistent with Senate Bill 552 (Chaptered in 2021). The Task Force, called the Drought Resilience Interagency and Partners Collaborative (DRIP Collaborative), will serve as a public forum with state and non-state agency members to advance our drought strategies and continue building resilience to the increasingly arid conditions California faces. For more information visithttps://water.ca.gov/drip.
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Purpose
Outcome #1: Reaffirm the role of the DRIP Collaborative in meeting its purpose as stated in the legislation (to facilitate proactive planning and coordination, both for predrought planning and post-drought emergency response, to develop strategies to enhance collaboration between various fields, and to consider all types of water users.)
Outcome #2: Develop an integrated view of existing State and local efforts to promote drought resilience, thus establishing a baseline from which the DRIP Collaborative can collaborate to drive improved outcomes.
Outcome #3: Develop a collaboration road map based on the topics of greatest interest to DRIP Collaborative members.
10:00AM Welcoming Remarks and Setting Intentions
10:20 Recap of DRIP Meeting 1 and Meeting 2 Structure – Informational Item
10:30 Hydrology & Conditions Update – Informational Item
State agency staff will brief the DRIP Collaborative on the current and projected surface water, snowpack, and groundwater conditions to anticipate near-term drought response needs proactively.
10:40 Drought Risk Management Framework - Informational Item
Disaster risk management framework adapted for drought risk management will be introduced to the DRIP Collaborative Members and includes the following components:
- Mitigation and Preparation
- Forecasting and Monitoring
- Response
- Recovery
10:50 State Agencies Drought-Related Efforts – Informational Item
State agency members will share drought-related activities and program efforts using the drought risk management framework.
11:40 Coordination Opportunities – Discussion Item
Members will reflect on state agency presentations and share examples of effective coordination to learn from and improve upon, and gaps that need attention.
12:30 Drought Strategies to Protect Communities and Species
California Water Commission staff will present their recent work to develop drought strategies to protect communities and species.
12:40 Lunch Break
1:30 The Arc of Engagement – Information Item
Proposed framework to guide the types, levels, and process of engagement the Collaborative pursues to address the priorities identified in April 2023 DRIP Collaborative meeting.
1:45 Developing a DRIP Collaborative Road Map – Part I – Discussion Item
This discussion will involve reviewing priorities that were identified at the April 2023 DRIP Collaborative meeting with a discussion on the level of engagement for how the Collaborative advances these topics. Members will be discussing what they are most interested in working on with other DRIP Collaborative members.
2:15 Break
2:30 Developing a DRIP Collaborative Road Map – Part II – Discussion Item
Members will discuss what can be accomplished this year and in 2024 through the DRIP Collaborative.
3:30 Public Comment
3:45 Next steps
4:30PM Adjourn
Additional Notes for the Public
Written comments regarding specific items on this agenda will be provided to the Collaborative Members as part of their meeting packets if they are received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2023. Written comments can be submitted to drip@water.ca.gov. Staff will make every effort to provide comments received after this deadline electronically, but we cannot make any guarantees. Comments received by the DRIP Collaborative related to meeting agenda items will not be edited and will be posted to the DRIP Collaborative's webpage (www.water.ca.gov/drip) in their entirety.
The DRIP Collaborative meeting location and Zoom option is accessible to people with disabilities. Any person who requires special assistance to participate in the meeting, wishes to request this notice or other meeting materials in an alternative format, requires translation services, or needs any disability related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, which would enable that person to participate at the meeting must make that request at least 7 days prior to the meeting date by contacting DRIP Collaborative Staff (Julie Ekstrom) at the Department of Water Resources at drip@water.ca.gov or calling at (916) 612-4371.
304 S Street, Training Room DTN 104 and 105, Sacramento, CA, 95814