Delta Conveyance Contract Amendment Public Meeting—Sept 11, 2019
Delta Conveyance Contract Amendment public meeting series continues
The next public meeting for SWP contract amendments for Delta Conveyance is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the California Room at the Downtown Holiday Inn, Sacramento, California.
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the State Water Project (SWP) Contractors began the public process to negotiate proposed amendments to the SWP water supply contracts. The proposed amendments would describe how the costs and benefits of a Delta conveyance facility, including capital costs and operating costs, would be allocated among SWP Contractors, as well as other related financial and water management matters.
The public negotiation process is expected to result in an Agreement in Principle (AIP) among DWR and the SWP Contractors that describes a methodology for cost allocation and the related matters that would be the basis of a contract amendment if a project is approved and after all necessary environmental review. Environmental analysis of the proposed amendments and of the underlying Delta conveyance facility itself, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as well as the development of actual contract amendment language would follow development of the AIP.
The negotiations are open to the public to allow the opportunity to observe and provide comments to DWR at the end of each negotiation session. Written comments may also be submitted within seven (7) calendar days following each negotiation session.
Documents for this meeting—including agenda, ground rules, prior meeting minutes, proposed contract language—are available on request.
300 J Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814