California Financing Coordinating Committee Funding Fair - Irvine

The California Financing Coordination Committee (CFCC) conducts free funding fairs statewide each year to educate the public and offer potential customers the opportunity to meet with financial representatives from each agency to learn more about their available funding. The Funding Fairs also provide an opportunity for attendees to speak directly with program staff about specific projects and issues affecting their community. Each attendee will receive copies of all slide presentations and additional useful infrastructure financing material.


Registration is free and walk-ins are always welcome.


For more information, contact Kristyne Van Skike at (916) 651-0728 or by email, view the CFCC 2019 Funding Fair Flyer, or visit the CFCC Funding Fair website. Language interpretation services are available upon request. Please contact Seresa Hartwell at (916) 341-5972 or by email at least five 

21 Riparian View, Irvine, CA, 92612