County Drought Advisory Group Meeting – April 30, 2019
The purpose of the third County Drought Advisory Group (CDAG) meeting is to:
- Share progress of the Technical Workgroup and Water Shortage Contingency Plan Workgroup. Each meet twice in April.
- Hear drought management/experience successes and challenges from panelists representing Integrated Regional Water Management Agencies, Counties, and Groundwater Sustainability Agencies
- Discuss ideas for Water Shortage Contingency Planning for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities
To improve water conservation and water shortage planning, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 606 (Hertzberg) and Assembly Bill 1668 (Friedman) which then-Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law in May of 2018. Changes to existing law related to small water suppliers and rural community drought planning resulting from this legislation are in Section 8, Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 10609.40) and added to Part 2.55 of Division 6 of the California Water Code).
These changes include directing DWR to:
(1) identify small suppliers and rural communities at risk of drought and water shortage vulnerability
(2) develop recommendations to the Governor and Legislature for improving drought contingency planning for those areas
The CDAG meetings are open to CDAG members, other interested parties, and the public. To help us plan appropriately for this meeting, RSVP to James Campagna.
Additional information and meeting materials will be posted on this event page closer to the meeting date. Please click the link below to register for the remote option for the April 30 meeting.
View Parking Information for this meeting. (webinar registration link) (event webpage link)
For meeting materials, please email
Meeting Materials:
CDAG Meeting Agenda
Sample Drought Contingency Plan
Small Water System Drought Assessment Tool
Drought Risk Management for Small Water Suppliers and Rural Communities
Annual Report Drinking Water Program Small Water Systems 2013
Umbrella WSCP Template for Rural Communities
RCAP Emergency Response Plan
CDAG Meeting Slides - Presentation
Presentation by Julie Ekstrom
901 P Street, Bonderson Building Hearing Room, Sacramento, CA, 95814