Public Workshop on Landscape Area Measurement for Retail Urban Water Suppliers - June 11, 2018
An urban landscape area measurement workshop will be held from 9:30 am to noon on Monday, June 11 in the Resources Auditorium at 1416 Ninth Street in Sacramento. Interested parties who are unable to attend the meeting in person may listen to the meeting and view PowerPoint presentations through the following skype link:
Listen only by dialing 1-916-573-2034, access code 81796879.
As part of the State’s effort to make conservation “a California Way of life”, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) was provided funding to measure landscape area for the California retail urban water suppliers using remote sensing technology. Since this is a new approach to land area measurement, DWR started the project with a two-agency pilot measuring the landscape area for Padre Dam Water District and the City of Santa Rosa. At the May 16 workshop, DWR will discuss the landscape area definitions that were used in classifying landscapes in the pilot and the overall measurements results.
For additional information, please contact Peter Brostrom, Water Use Efficiency Program Manager at (916) 651-7034 or
Meeting materials available upon request.
Resources Auditorium
1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814