Lake Oroville Community Update for September 4, 2020.
Lake Oroville Community Update for September 4, 2020.
When salmon spawn, it marks the end of their lifecycle. But it doesn’t mark the end of DWR’s salmon research. DWR studies the carcasses to learn about salmon populations and assess their numbers in the Feather River. Casey Campos, an environmental scientist with DWR’s Feather River Program, leads the Chinook Salmon Escapement Survey study.
Lake Oroville Community Update for August 28, 2020.
Groundwater is California’s water savings bank account that can be tapped during dry years when water in lakes and rivers are low. Conserving water helps preserve groundwater, which is important for plants, animals and people.
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) and its partners are providing learning resources to support water education while many California families are dealing with the challenges of distance learning.
Lake Oroville Community for August 21, 2020.
View the Delta Conveyance Project update for August 2020.
Lake Oroville Community Update for August 14, 2020.
During the summer months, a unique bird makes its home in the waters around the Oroville-Thermalito Complex, with a little help from DWR. The Western and Clark’s grebes are aquatic birds with distinctive red eyes and pointed yellow beaks.
Lake Oroville Community Update for August 7, 2020.