DWR Releases California Water Plan 2023 Assumptions and Estimates Report
Silverwood Lake Marina in San Bernardino County, California was created in 1971 as part of the State Water Project by the construction of the Cedar Springs Dam as a forebay on the 444 mi long California Aqueduct.
In preparation for the California Water Plan Update 2023 (Update 2023), the Department of Water Resources (DWR) will release the Draft Assumptions and Estimates Report (A&E Report) on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022. The A&E Report describes data and data sources; improvements to analytical tools, methods, and approaches; and the supporting documents and companion State plans being used to prepare Update 2023.
The California Water Plan (Water Plan) is the State government’s strategic plan for managing and developing water resources for sustainability and resilience. To meet the many challenges posed by climate change and extreme events, Update 2023 harnesses state-of-the-art science, a commitment to equity, and collaboration between multiple sectors such as water quality, flood, groundwater, and more. Data and tools, such as water data portfolios, water balances, and water budgets and accounting systems, are critical for establishing a shared understanding of each watershed’s current conditions across multiple sectors.
The Water Plan recommends engagement with regional partners to inform actions and policies, and it prioritizes investments to guide future water management planning. The Draft A&E Report and associated webpage contain information about the following categories:
- Basin hydrology
- Current and projected water use
- Groundwater supplies
- Evapotranspiration rates for major crops
- Current and projected water supplies provided by water recycling and reuse
- Current and projected adoption of urban and agricultural water conservation practices
- Environmental water needs
- Current and projected land use pattern
- Current and projected population
DWR will hold a webinar to provide an overview of the Draft A&E Report on Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Attendees may register in advance for the webinar by visiting the following Zoom link: https://ca-water-gov.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vce-prjwpH9Qybqt-w6F73cRKGpP72nPq
The Draft A&E Report’s release on Oct. 18 will be followed by a 30-day comment period. DWR is interested in receiving comments about the information presented in the Update 2023 Draft A&E Report. DWR also welcomes suggestions about improving the usefulness of the report.
Comments on the Draft A&E should be submitted to DWR by Nov. 18, 2022. Comments can be emailed to cwpcom@water.ca.gov or mailed to: Strategic Water Planning Branch, 715 P Street, 6th Floor, Mailbox 15, P.O. Box 942836, Sacramento, CA 94236-0001.