Delivery Capability Report and Studies
The California Department of Water Resources released the Final State Water Project Delivery Capability Report for 2023. The Delivery Capability Report is used widely both within and outside the SWP for water supply planning. The information in these reports is a key component of the drought planning done by the SWP and is fundamental to the drought planning done by the Public Water Agencies that receive SWP and Central Valley Project water. The Report provides the information needed by these agencies to develop and manage their own water supply portfolios and is an important input for Sustainable Groundwater Management Plans, Urban Water Management Plans, Agricultural Water Management Plans, and Integrated Regional Water Management Plans.
Previous Delivery Capability Reports in digital format or hard copy are available upon request.
Please direct report requests, comments and questions to or
California Department of Water Resources
SWP Delivery Capability Report- Attn: Madusha Yakupitiyage
P.O. Box 942836
Sacramento, CA 94236-0001
Final DCR 2021 Report (PDF)
CalSim 3 Model and Hydrology Documentation
Technical Addendum to the Final DCR 2023(PDF)
CalSim 3 Hydrology Report, 2023(PDF)
Climate Adjusted Historical Documentation(PDF)
Risk-Informed Future Climate Scenario Development for SWP DCR(PDF)
CalSim 3 Models and Data
CalSim 3 Models used in the DCR 2023(Directory)
Source Data for Five Scenarios(Directory)
Supplemental Excel Workbooks (Directory)
Results Dashboard