CalLite: Central Valley Water Management Screening Model

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region (USBR) developed CalLite as an interactive screening model for evaluating various Central Valley water management alternatives. CalLite simulates the hydrology of the Central Valley, reservoir operations, delivery allocation decisions, delta salinity, and habitat-ecosystem flow indices over an 82 year planning period. CalLite maintains the hydrologic, operational and institutional integrity of CalSim; the results obtained from a typical CalLite run (<10 minute run time) are within 1% of a corresponding CalSim run (30 minute run time).
CalLite is designed for use in a variety of stakeholder processes for improved understanding of water system operations and potential future management changes. CalLite’s short run time and accessible graphical user interface (GUI) allow it to bridge the gap between more detailed system models and policymaker/stakeholder demand for rapid and interactive policy evaluations. Moreover, CalLite can be iteratively run in batch or manual mode to assist in the screening of a broad range of water management options and to educate decision makers on system responses.
CalLite uses the Water Resources Integrated Modeling System (WRIMS) software developed and maintained by DWR and USBR. The latest CalLite model uses WRIMS Version 2.0. CalLite code was written using Water Resources Simulation Language (WRESL), a flexible language interface to the linear programming solver and the database. WRIMS is used to compile the WRESL code and to run the CalLite model. An interactive Java-based GUI has also been incorporated as a means for the end-user to easily create scenarios, run simulations and view results. The CalLite development team has packaged all the necessary executables, libraries, and tables into the downloadable installer – users may simply install the software and run the model without purchasing any additional software or license. DWR and USBR will contact you if a license renewal or CalLite code update is necessary.
CalLite: Central Valley Water Management Screening Model Version 3.00 (Beta)
Release notes : CalLite 3.00 also includes batch-run capability, a dynamic San Joaquin River module, climate change scenario, and the ability to specify individual actions and various water supply allocation methods. For more information, please read the release notes.
CalLite3.00 Installer :Download the installer from the above link. Click on " CalLite3.00_Installer.exe" to install the CalLite model. The installer will guide you through to install the model. After successful completion of software installation, click on Windows 'Start' button and navigate to Start > Programs > CalLite_v3>CalLite_v3.exe to start CalLite GUI. You can also double click on CalLite_v3.exe - a shortcut icon on your desktop - to start the CalLite GUI.
Developer Version: The developer version of CalLite3.00 model code is embeded with the model. Code can be found in the installer directory, folder name: model_w2. To use the code, you must agree the GNU General Public License terms and conditions.
License: CalLite is copyrighted by the State of California Department of Water Resources. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License. This means it can be copied, distributed, and modified freely, but you may not restrict others in their ability to copy, distribute, and modify it. See GNU General Public License for more details.
- Version 3.00 (Beta) (Released November 07, 2014)
- Version 2.01 (Released February 22, 2012)
- Version 2.00 (Released October 14, 2011) – view presentation
- Version 2.00(Beta) (Released August 29, 2011)
Islam, N., Arora, S., Chung, F.I., Reyes, F., Field, R., Munevar, A., Sumer, D., Parker, N.L., and Chen, Z.Q.R. (2011). “CalLite: California Central Valley Water Management Screening Model.” J. Water Resour. Plan. Manage., 137(1), 123-133.
Islam, N., Parker, N.L., Canada, H., Reyes, F., Fitzhugh, T., Chung, F.I., Sandhu, P., Chen, Z.Q.R., Xie, H., Kao, K.C., Hoang, R., Easton, D., and Slawecki, T. (2014).“Central Valley Water Management Screening Model for Water Management Alternatives.” Proc. 7th Intl. Congress on Env. Modelling and Software, San Diego, Calif, 1675-1681.
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