California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) : Supplemental Documents

CEQA Guidelines Supplemental Documents

The Natural Resources Agency has finalized updates to the CEQA Guidelines. The final text, final statement of reasons (including comments and responses to comments), and related materials are posted below. The changes have been approved by the Office of Administrative Law and are now in effect.

The California Natural Resources Agency has finalized Appendix G for the AB 52, Gatto 2014 regulatory update. Further information and the supporting documentation are here:

SB 226 - Infill Streamlining

The Secretary for the California Natural Resources Agency has adopted CEQA Guidelines implementing Public Resources Code section 21094.5 and 21094.5.5 (SB 226—Infill Streamlining). The entire rulemaking package filed with OAL on January 4, 2013, including the final adopted regulations, can be found here: 

CEQA Guideline Update for SB226 (Simitian 2011)


Transmittals from OPR on June 25, 2012

Prior Drafts

Preliminary Draft - January 2012
Revised Draft - May 2012

Public Comments February 2012

Public Comments June 2012

Supporting Materials


As directed by SB97, the Natural Resources Agency adopted Amendments to the CEQA Guidelines for greenhouse gas emissions on December 30, 2009. On February 16, 2010, the Office of Administrative Law approved the Amendments, and filed them with the Secretary of State for inclusion in the California Code of Regulations. The Amendments will become effective on March 18, 2010. 


The Natural Resources Agency would like to express its deep appreciation to the numerous organizations, agencies and individuals that participated in the development of the CEQA Guidelines Amendments since the enactment of SB 97 in 2007. Your advice, comments and support contributed to the development of amendments that will prove practical and useful, and which will encourage consistency in the analysis and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. That so many dedicated their time and energy over such a long period of time is a testament to the importance of these CEQA Guidelines Amendments. 

The adopted text of the Amendments, as well as key documents from the Agency's rulemaking process, are provided below. Text revisions are marked as follows: new additions are underlined and deletions are indicated by strikeout.



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