The IRWM Implementation Grant Program provides funding for implementation projects that meet the intent of Proposition 1, Chapter 7. Proposition 1 authorized $510 million for the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to award IRWM grants, with specified allocations to 12 Funding Areas in California (Water Code §79744). The Pie-Chart to the right shows the split of $510 million.
The Implementation Grant Program has awarded over $403 million in two rounds of funding. In 2020, DWR awarded $211 million to 42 IRWM Regions, including approximately $25 million for Disadvantaged Community projects. In 2023, DWR awarded $201 million to 40 IRWM Regions, $93 million of which was awarded to projects benefitting Disadvantaged Communities and Tribes. This award concluded the Proposition 1 IRWM Implementation Grant Program.