DWR Updates

Lake Oroville Community Update for May 24, 2024.

Department of Water Resources (DWR) scientists wanted to understand why high numbers of Chinook salmon and steelhead were migrating and collected at the State Water Project’s Skinner Fish Facility this season. Thanks to DWR’s use of the best available science in advanced fish tracking technology and DNA forensics, they now have some answers.

Balancing the water supply needs of millions of Californians while protecting the environment is no easy task. The Department of Water Resources is committed to using and advancing the best available science to operate the State Water Project to get water to the people who need it while protecting native fish species.
Even though California’s April Snow Survey marked a second consecutive year of above average snowpack and precipitation, the State is continuing to take proactive steps to plan for future dry conditions as shifts between abundant wet years and extreme drought become more frequent.