DWR Updates

State Water Project Final Delivery Capability Report 2017 cover

The final State Water Project Delivery Capability Report 2017 has been released. This report updates estimates of the current (2017) State Water Project delivery capability and incorporates all current regulatory requirements for SWP and CVP operations, including the biological opinions issued by the USFWS and the NMFS.

Lena Begay makes fry bread for family and guests of DWR at the Miranda allotment.

Four new videos featuring members of native California tribes discussing the impacts of climate change will debut at the Tribal Water Summit on April 5.

Solar-treated desalination system

Continuous Application Process schedule is revised as follows: March 12: GRanTS open for application preparation for Continuous Application process. March 30: Begin receiving applications for Continuous Application Process.

desalination with solar still

DWR announced the Round 4 final funding awards. Nine projects were awarded a total of $44.4 million. The remaining $48.7 million still available will be offered on a continuous basis and awarded on a first-ready, first-awarded basis until all grant funds are exhausted.

